Digital radiography, or digital X-rays, gives us a nearly instantaneous look into your pet’s skeletal and internal systems. The radiation your furry friend is exposed to from digital X-rays is so miniscule that it’s safe even for pregnant pets. It helps us diagnose more than just bone fractures. By examining the size, shape and position of certain organs, we can diagnose diseases as well. Things radiography helps diagnose include:
We’re fortunate to have access to an ultrasound machine at Faithful Friends Veterinary Clinic. Ultrasonography uses sound waves to give us real time, two-dimensional images of your pet’s internal abdominal area. We’re able to evaluate the liver, kidneys and gall bladder of your pet, and diagnose many conditions including:
Laboratory testing is an indispensable tool when it comes to pet diagnostics. By running laboratory work, we can detect numerous medical conditions, including parasites and diabetes. To test for various issues, we may take samples from your pet many different ways. For dermatological concerns, we use skin scrapings from the affected area to test for bacterial or fungal infections. Blood work is needed to test for diabetes and certain liver and kidney enzymes. We may run a urinalysis, or urine sample, for urinary tract infections and parasite testing requires a fecal sample. Please contact us for more information about pet diagnostics today! We’re always here for the pets of Dublin and surrounding communities.