Feline Behavior Consultations

Helping Your Cat Live Happier

At the Cat Specialty Center, we take behavior issues very seriously. Often there is an underlying stressor at home contributing to a cat’s undesired behavior, or simply a misunderstanding that the behavior the cat is exhibiting is a normal cat behavior and simple adjustments can be made to help allow the cat to exhibit the normal behavior in a more desirable location. Several issues we consult on include inter-cat tension, aggression towards humans, urinating outside the litter box (house soiling), and destructive behaviors including excessive scratching.   

Why is Behavioral Care so important?

Do not wait to schedule a consultation if you have any concerns regarding a cat’s behavior as in some cases there may be an underlying medical problem such as pain, urinary tract infection, endocrinopathy, etc. Although physical examinations and lab work are usually recommended as part of the initial consultation, in some cases virtual consultations may be scheduled.