Feline Gastrintestinal Care

Keeping Your Cats' Gut Happier Than Ever

Chronic gastrointestinal issues including vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, poor appetite and weight loss are the most common consultations we see at CSC. The many causes of gastrointestinal disease in cats include physical blockage [hairball, foreign body, tumor], food allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, parasites, toxicity, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, GI lymphoma and other cancers.

Professional Cat Gastrointestinal Care

A detailed, stepwise approach is required to determine and properly treat GI disease. At the CSC, this is accomplished by utilizing customized diet trials, x-rays, abdominal ultrasound, fine-needle aspirates, GI specific lab work and fecal testing, gastroscopy, endoscopy, colonoscopy, and non-invasive endoscopic and/or surgical biopsies of the liver, lymph nodes and GI tract.

Following a definitive diagnosis, a targeted treatment plan is developed which may include diet management, medical management, and/or chemotherapy. In some cases, procedures such as foreign body removal via surgical or non-invasive endoscopy, subtotal colectomy for megacolon, or resection of intestinal tumors are done by our team of specialists if required. Some patients may require hospitalization for supportive care while diagnostics and treatments are initiated which may include IV fluid therapy and nutritional support through placement of both temporary and long-term feeding tubes.